3 Times in London

After our experiences in Edinburgh and Leeds our giant puppets didn’t expect great news were coming… As part of Global Streets, a national touring programme in UK that through a distinctive free programme of...

giant puppets big dancers

Edinburgh’s Hogmanay

Five, four, three, two, one… Edinburgh’s Hogmanay is where the world comes to party, a three day festival to celebrate the New Year! Over 165.000 people from 80 countries attended the event, and we were...

Opening Ceremony – European Capital of Culture 2018

The evening of the 20th of January 2018 was the day where Valletta becomes European Capital of Culture 2018. Organizers of the event estimated over 120.000 visitors attended the Opening Ceremony. Artistic directors of the...

SIBIU International Theatre Festival

Recently we took part with our show Big Dancers in the Sibiu International Theatre Festival in Romania. Internationally, it has become the most important performing arts festival in Europe, judging by its ampleness, dimension,...

El Carromato in Asia

Next June it will be the premiere of Big Dancers in Asia. Our company takes part in the Flipside Festival in Singapore, the lighter side of the arts. Featuring a host of work by...

El Carromato in FETEN 2016

Big Dancers is going to take part this month in FETEN – The European Performing Arts Fair for Children in GIJÓN (Spain). The first performance will be on 20th (pre-fair’s day) at 8:30 pm....

Video Imaginarius 2015

Promo about Imaginarius, International Street Theatre Festival in Santa Maria da Feria (Portugal). Event where our company took part with the two formats of Big Dancers show.

Big Dancers in RUSSIA

This month we take part in two important festivals in Russia. The first is the International Platonov Arts Festival of VORONEZH. It’s an international arts festival an annual cultural event, held in Voronezh at...